Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Sponsorship provides a great means of broadening your competitive edge by improving your company's image, prestige and credibility by supporting events that your target market finds attractive. In recent years, corporate sponsorship has become the fastest growing type of marketing in Malaysia.

Part of this growth can be attributed to the increasing numbers of small and medium-sized businesses involved. Previously, only large businesses could afford to sponsor cause marketing, for instance, as a way of boosting profits as well as establishing goodwill. However, now smaller companies are sponsoring everything from local volleyball and softball teams to fairs, festivals and clean-ups of parks as an effective method of boosting their visibility in their community. Most of these sponsorships help these companies to enhance their public profile relatively cheaply.
Irrespective of the size of the company, however, experts in the field tout a broad spectrum of benefits that can be gained by sponsorship aside from enhancing visibility and image, such as differentiating the company from competitors, helping to develop closer and better relationships with customers, both existing and potential ones, showcasing services and products, and even getting rid of outdated inventory. These experts go on to say that when sponsorships are strategic and well-conceived, they can boost both short-term and long-term sales.

Event Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsorship of events in particular can be especially effective as a marketing tool because it can be a means of accessing a wide range of audiences such as decision makers in business, government entities, and of course customers. It can be particularly beneficial for companies that take part in international trade, because sponsorship transcends cultural and language barriers.

A growing number of marketers think that corporate sponsorship is better than other methods as it provides opportunities to gauge customer response to products immediately. Events allow business owners or executives relate directly with their customers, while they give customers the opportunity to try out the products of a company firsthand. In comparison, marketing research methods such as focus groups are usually costly and may not focus on the right kind of people, while market surveys or questionnaires usually do not allow prospective customers the opportunity to try out products.

Heightened visibility due to positive publicity through the media is another reason corporate sponsorship of events - especially those that attract large numbers of people like popular sports events - can be the most effective marketing tool. Every corporate sponsor seeks the widest exposure possible in both print and electronic media. This publicity increases the visibility of the company's products and services. The various kinds of media that cover the event usually include the names, and even pictures, of the sponsors. This kind of mass coverage by the media that the sponsor gets is usually unaffordable, if the company were to purchase it. Therefore, in order to maximize the impact, the company sponsoring the event should augment the media coverage the organizers arrange. In fact, sponsorship often can generate media coverage which may not have been otherwise available.

Sponsorship and Consumers
Given the propensity of consumers to associate sponsors with the event they promote, it is important for companies to select events that are appropriate with their product or corporate image. Therefore, before signing up, check out how the show is perceived. Does it have an up-scale, classy image? Does it have a clean image, or is its reputation less than what it should be? Companies should not be associated with any event or cause without first determining if the sponsorship has the potential of having any negative effects on them.
In addition, the organizers should also provide you with details like the target audience that are expected, media coverage plans, and what obligations you have as a sponsor. It is also important to find out the kind of support the organizers will provide, and exactly what your sponsorship money is buying.

Sponsorship that involves hospitality always appeals to companies. The advantages may involve exclusive networking opportunities like golf competitions or receptions of VIP's, which can be used to meet significant customers and consolidate business associations. It is essential to appraise every opportunity and seek ways to marry them with your business and marketing goals.

Monday, November 24, 2014

5 Needs

We live life daily knowing we are safe, able to do the things that are important to us, and to accept that we are loved and able to feel connected. We are able to learn, work, play, create, enjoy life, and help others along the way. We have the power to pick up and move on when things do not go the way we hoped. We realize life is a journey and we are on the right path, so all will be well, eventually, even if not now. When we are living with our needs met in healthy ways, we are really living. This does not mean nothing goes wrong or that we have no problems. Instead, it means we are better equipped to handle the difficulties that do come and take pleasure in life when things are good.

We may be hungry, not have the necessary "basics" to survive, may be living with others, or need to be in a shelter for a time to get the first need met, staying alive. We may be depressed, sad, suicidal, lonely, unhappy, have little or no enjoyment in life or in relationships. We are often unable to identify "what is wrong" yet we know something is not right; we seek but do not find the answers or the hope we are seeking. We are just unaware of what we need. As we learn to identify what our needs are, we find what we are looking for, often right inside ourselves. The 5 Needs in Life curriculum offers tools to help you find what you are seeking.
So think about it. What is yours 5 need?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


A hobby is a man's favorite occupation other than his main business. A man may find time after his usual daily work. He may spend that time in doing something which gives him special pleasure and adds to his knowledge. It is called his hobby. He may like to spend this time in gardening, collecting stamps, drawing pictures, playing some games, rearing birds, catching fish, taking photographs, etc. These are all hobbies.

A hobby gives pleasure as well as instruction. It does not allow a man to be idle. A man who has a hobby does not spend his spare time in idleness. He occupies himself in some useful work. His knowledge increases. If he likes gardening, he will have to know something about flowers and plant life. Working in the garden will be a sort of physical exercise and thus it will improve his health. A flower garden with blooming flowers is a very fine thing. It gives joy to the man who owns it as well as to others who see it. The hobby occupies his mind so much that no evil thought can find room there. Sometimes it is also a profitable thing.

I am very fond of collecting postage stamps.I have also other sources of getting stamps. Some of my friends exchange stamps with me. I have got a book to preserve the stamps. After my lessons are done, if I can make time, I arrange the stamps that I get and stick them in an album in their proper places. I have now a very good collection of stamps. There are some very rare stamps among them. At present their value is very great. I purchase stamps at times from dealers in old stamps. I have got stamps of many countries of the world.

This hobby has increased my knowledge of history and geography very much. Now I know the names of countries which were formerly unknown to me. In the stamps of many countries there are pictures of special things of interest of these places. So I can know what special things are found there. From an Australian stamp, we can know that the kangaroo is a peculiar animal of the country. From an Egyptian stamp, we can know that the famous pyramids are situated in Egypt.
We can also know the names of many kings and famous persons. Since the independence of India, many new postage stamps have been issued by our Government on many occasions. We can learn many things from those stamps Conclusion—The collector of stamps is called a philatelist. We have heard that many famous persons of the world, including some kings of England, had this hobby of collecting postage stamps. Every man should have a hobby of this own.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Importance of Experience

I wish to share an article with you all. This is about the importance of experience in our life. I likes to read this article. Because it really makes the motivation to me. Its help me to keep on going when I was down. Here this is the article. I hope that everyone can get inspiration after reading the article that I share.

Life is a continuous chain of experiences. These experiences are both good and bad but both help us live a more educated and productive life. Experience is a key ingredient to success on the job. Experience is the key element to being successful at a job or earning a more desired job. Perhaps the toughest job in broadcast meteorology or operational meteorology is the first job. Once your foot is in the door, it is much easier after that point. Broadcast meteorology like many other "trades" requires having physical practice (not just learning from a book). The broadcast meteorology student who is already employed is at a great advantage. Although balancing school and work among other things can create a large workload, the reward in the end can be huge. Taking classes and gaining practical experience at the same time is truly a blessing. It is like doing two things at the same time (it saves time and money!) After paying your dues with the large work load of classes and your job combined, the reward in the end will be:

(1) More experience at the current job

(2) A more complete meteorological education

(3) Potential to earn a higher paying job

(4) More free time (if you want it) and

(5) A feeling of personal growth and respect from others.

One of the greatest feelings in life is that of respect. With it, your life can feel more important and meaningful. Education and experience allow the individual to build respect from other people for the "trade" that they do. Respect in broadcast meteorology can be earned through accurate forecasts, a warm personality, community involvement, being trusted and available during times of severe weather, and having the ability to relate your forecasts in an understandable and personable manner. One of the ultimate meanings of life is to learn. No one can live life without learning something. What you learn and experience can often determine your success or failure in life. Effortful learning combined with real life on the job experience is a winning formula for success. Your choices and your experiences help create the person that you are. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Goods and Services Tax

GST or Goods and Services Tax is indeed one of the hottest topic in Malaysia. Many MNCs and GLCs Companies as well as Business Owners from SMEs sectors are scrambling and perhaps some are fretting on its implications and effects it has on their day to day business and its operations. For HR Practitioners in Malaysia, please note that there is a section covered under GST on Employees Benefits. In this blog, we are privileged to have Mr. Danny Lim of Brexson Advisory PLT to share with us about GST on Employee Benefits.

Many people will think that GST implementation is a task solely for the Accounts Department of a company to do and put in place and then attend to.
But in actual fact it impacts all aspect of a business spanning Accounting, IT, Legal, Sales & Marketing, Purchasing, HR – and indeed impacts on Employee Benefits (via Human Resource).
Unless a business and its Directorate want to fall foul of the laws (and the penalties under the Malaysian GST Act are CRIMES) every department’s personnel and especially Heads of Departments will need to get involved in the GST implementation process.
So, what are Employee Benefits? Employee Benefits are any goods or services provided free to employees, given or provided by an employer to an employee, or by another person on behalf of the employer to the employees. Goods or services acquired and given as Employee Benefits are considered as used for the purpose of business.
The GST impact on Employee Benefits is particularly interesting as it may change the way in which employees are rewarded by their employer after 1 April 2015. Fringe Benefit packaging and salary packaging WILL change. This is due to the fact that different type of supply will lead to different tax treatment depending on the GST rules and hence both the Directors and the Human Resource department of a company will need to understand how the GST rules and regulations apply to Employee Benefits and amend the company policy on Employee Benefits where deemed fit.
Put simply, a company needs to know whether certain supply of Employee Benefits is subject to output tax and if yes, at what rate and whether the purchase of supply from their suppliers is input tax claimable.
The general rule is that a company is required to charge output tax on any Employee Benefits supplied to the employees and all input tax is claimable as they are regarded as used for business purpose.
However, if the Employee Benefits given are stated in the employment contract, then these benefits are not a supply and will not be subject to output tax but input tax is still claimable. One thing worth noting is that monetary rewards are not subject to GST as money is not a supply under GST Act.
On the other hand, if however a company acquires certain supplies which are subject to “Blocked Input Tax”, then the input tax incurred for these purchase will be disallowed / not claimable and therefore become a cost to the company. Subsequently when the same supplies are being disposed of and given as Employee Benefits, the company need not charge the output tax on it.
For those goods or services given free to employees as Employee Benefits not stated in the employment contract, whether or not the supply is to be accounted for output tax will then subject to “Gift Rule”. If the total value of the supply to the same person in the same year is more than RM500, the supply is subject to output tax.
In the case of services provided free to employees, it is not regarded as a supply and therefore not subject to output tax with the exception of business assets used for non-business purposes.
Another consideration is what the GST Act terms “deemed” supplies in which GST is levied on top of the value of the goods or gift. This is a vital area when considering Employee Remuneration.
Given different sets of treatments apply to different types of supply of Employee Benefits as explained above, a proper review of the GST impact of every aspect of a business is required to be carried out on a timely manner, the business must seek professional tax advice as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition to GST and implementation by 1 April 2015.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Teddy Bear

Some girl like to shopping, some like to collect handbag, some like to buy Barbie doll. While boys like to collect stamp, coins, and even games cards.

I likes to collect teddy bear. For me, teddy bear is very cute to me since I was small. It is a soft toy that got story about it.

The name Teddy Bear comes from former United States President Theodore Roosevelt, who was commonly known as "Teddy" (though he loathed being referred to as such).The name originated from an incident on a bear hunting trip in Mississippi in November 1902, to which Roosevelt was invited by Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino. There were several other hunters competing, and most of them had already killed an animal. A suite of Roosevelt's attendants, led by Holt Collier, cornered, clubbed, and tied an American Black Bear to a willow tree after a long exhausting chase with hounds. They called Roosevelt to the site and suggested that he should shoot it. He refused to shoot the bear himself, deeming this unsportsmanlike, but instructed that the bear be killed to put it out of its misery,and it became the topic of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman in The Washington Post on November 16, 1902.While the initial cartoon of an adult black bear lassoed by a handler and a disgusted Roosevelt had symbolic overtones, later issues of that and other Berryman cartoons made the bear smaller and cuter.
Morris Michtom saw the drawing of Roosevelt and was inspired to create a new toy. He created a little stuffed bear cub and put it in his shop window with a sign that read "Teddy's bear," after sending a bear to Roosevelt and receiving permission to use his name. The toys were an immediate success and Michtom founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co.
At the same time in Germany, the Steiff firm, unaware of Michtom's bear, produced a stuffed bear from Richard Steiff's designs. Steiff exhibited the toy at the Leipzig Toy Fair in March 1903, where it was seen by Hermann Berg, a buyer for George Borgfeldt & Company in New York. He ordered 3000 to be sent to the United States. Although Steiff's records show that the bears were produced, they are not recorded as arriving in the U.S., and no example of the type, "55 PB", has ever been seen, leading to the story that the bears were shipwrecked. However, the story is disputed - Gunther Pfieffer notes that it was only recorded in 1953 and says it is more likely that the 55 PB was not sufficiently durable to survive until the present day. Although Steiff and Michtom were both making teddy bears at around the same time, neither would have known of the other's creation due to poor transatlantic communication.

By 1906 manufacturers other than Michtom and Steiff had joined in and the craze for "Roosevelt Bears" was such that ladies carried them everywhere, children were photographed with them, and Roosevelt used one as a mascot in his bid for re-election.

North American educator Seymour Eaton wrote the children's book series The Roosevelt Bears, while composer John Walter Bratton wrote an instrumental "The Teddy Bears' Picnic", a "characteristic two-step", in 1907, which later had words written to it by lyricist Jimmy Kennedy in 1932.
Early teddy bears were made to look like real bears, with extended snouts and beady eyes. Modern teddy bears tend to have larger eyes and foreheads and smaller noses, babylike features that enhance the toy's cuteness. Teddy bears are also manufactured to represent different species of bear, such as polar bears and grizzly bears, as well as pandas.

While early teddy bears were covered in tawny mohair fur, modern teddy bears are manufactured in a wide variety of commercially available fabrics, most commonly synthetic fur, but also velour, denim, cotton, satin, and canvas.

Teddy bears are among the most popular gifts for children and are often given to adults to signify love, congratulations, or sympathy.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ipoh Wall Art 2

Let me continue the part 2 of Wall Art.
The mural depicts a hummingbird hovering close by a tree in search of food.
Road Name: Jalan Panglima
GPS: 4.596704,101.07843

This Chinese-style painted mural shows Ipoh’s evolution from a tin-mining town back in the colonial days.

Road Name: Jalan Bijeh Timah
GPS: 4.596343,101.079138


The mural illustrates a girl tiptoeing on a classic red plastic chair while reaching toward a cage of birds.

Road Name: Jalan Bandar Timah
GPS: 4.597004,101.078213


The final mural shows a man making a living in the town of Ipoh by stacking black plastic bags containing rubbish or recyclable items onto a trishaw.

Road Name: Narrow Road off Jalan Bijeh Timah
GPS: 4.59525,101.078556

These are the 7 wall art murals drawn by Ernest Zacharevic in Ipoh. The murals do relive a sense of nostalgic moments related to Ipoh’s heritage and culture.

Anyway, besides the murals by Ernest, there are also several other wall paintings around Ipoh town.
So just come and visit Ipoh.Take photo with the wall art as the memories between family and friends.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ipoh Wall Art 1

Ipoh, my beloved hometown, is usually known for its heritage and good food. And maybe pretty girls – that’s just about it.

But now, there’s a new attraction in town, called the “Art of Oldtown“, which is the latest collection of Ipoh Wall Art Murals by Ernest Zacharevic , the same man who painted murals on walls along the streets of Penang’s Georgetown.

There are currently 7 spots around Ipoh Old Town. Therefore, during my recent trip back, I’ve decided to scout for the locations of the murals.

It’s simple to find them, as long as you’re good with maps and roads.

So here are the 7 Ipoh wall art murals locations with the exact road names and GPS coordinates.


The mural shows a portrait of an old uncle drinking coffee. It’s located nearby the famous franchise OldTown White Coffee eatery facing the Ipoh Field.
Road Name: Jalan Dato Maharajalela
GPS: 4.59787,101.076169
Nearby the first mural, just walk further down the road from Oldtown White Coffee and the Paper Plane mural can be seen. It shows 2 children enjoying their childhood with a paper plane.

Road Name: Jalan Sheikh Adam
GPS: 4.597715,101.076882

This mural can be reached if you continued to walk along the road adjacent to Ipoh Field and across the main road. Kopi “O”, despite being black coffee, is one of the murals to celebrate Ipoh as the birth of the famous white coffee.
Road Name: Jalan Tun Sambathan
GPS: 4.597151,101.078703
Be aspire with these wall art?
Let us see other 4 wall art in the my following blogger.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Tomato Rice

The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes (as well as under U.S. customs regulations, see Nix v. Hedden), which has caused some confusion. The fruit is rich in lycopene, which may have beneficial health effects.

I likes to eat tomato. So when I heard my friends  say about the tomato rice by rice cooker, I feel excited to try it. I searched the different type of recipe about tomato rice. After I try different version, at last I wish to share with you all with this recipe.

Let us prepare the ingredients. Serves for 3 to 4 people. 2 cups of rice, 2 tablespoons of butter,1 cinnamon stick, half cup of diced tomatoes with juice, 2 cup of water and half teaspoon of salt.

After prepare the ingredients, let us start.

First, rinse rice well by gently swirling the rice in the cooker pot with 2 or 3 changes of cold water. Drain rice and set aside.

Then clean out the rice cooker pot and wipe dry. Add the butter to the rice cooker pot, cover, and set to cook. When the base of the cooker pot gets warm, add the cinnamon and fry for about 2 minutes, covering rice cooker occasionally in the process of frying.

Stir in diced tomatoes, water or vegetable stock, salt, and rice; mix well. Cover rice cooker and cook the rice until done, about 30 minutes. (Cooking time varies with the kind of rice cooker used. Most automatic rice cookers will switch to Warm when the rice is cooked.

After rice is cooked, do not open the cover immediately. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes to vent off the remaining steam. Fluff up the rice before serving.

It is so simple, healthy and easy to cook. Just try to cook during free. Share and enjoy this rice with the family and friends. Share happiness with other to get more happiness.