Monday, November 24, 2014

5 Needs

We live life daily knowing we are safe, able to do the things that are important to us, and to accept that we are loved and able to feel connected. We are able to learn, work, play, create, enjoy life, and help others along the way. We have the power to pick up and move on when things do not go the way we hoped. We realize life is a journey and we are on the right path, so all will be well, eventually, even if not now. When we are living with our needs met in healthy ways, we are really living. This does not mean nothing goes wrong or that we have no problems. Instead, it means we are better equipped to handle the difficulties that do come and take pleasure in life when things are good.

We may be hungry, not have the necessary "basics" to survive, may be living with others, or need to be in a shelter for a time to get the first need met, staying alive. We may be depressed, sad, suicidal, lonely, unhappy, have little or no enjoyment in life or in relationships. We are often unable to identify "what is wrong" yet we know something is not right; we seek but do not find the answers or the hope we are seeking. We are just unaware of what we need. As we learn to identify what our needs are, we find what we are looking for, often right inside ourselves. The 5 Needs in Life curriculum offers tools to help you find what you are seeking.
So think about it. What is yours 5 need?

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