Monday, November 10, 2014

Ipoh Wall Art 2

Let me continue the part 2 of Wall Art.
The mural depicts a hummingbird hovering close by a tree in search of food.
Road Name: Jalan Panglima
GPS: 4.596704,101.07843

This Chinese-style painted mural shows Ipoh’s evolution from a tin-mining town back in the colonial days.

Road Name: Jalan Bijeh Timah
GPS: 4.596343,101.079138


The mural illustrates a girl tiptoeing on a classic red plastic chair while reaching toward a cage of birds.

Road Name: Jalan Bandar Timah
GPS: 4.597004,101.078213


The final mural shows a man making a living in the town of Ipoh by stacking black plastic bags containing rubbish or recyclable items onto a trishaw.

Road Name: Narrow Road off Jalan Bijeh Timah
GPS: 4.59525,101.078556

These are the 7 wall art murals drawn by Ernest Zacharevic in Ipoh. The murals do relive a sense of nostalgic moments related to Ipoh’s heritage and culture.

Anyway, besides the murals by Ernest, there are also several other wall paintings around Ipoh town.
So just come and visit Ipoh.Take photo with the wall art as the memories between family and friends.

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