Monday, November 3, 2014

Tomato Rice

The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes (as well as under U.S. customs regulations, see Nix v. Hedden), which has caused some confusion. The fruit is rich in lycopene, which may have beneficial health effects.

I likes to eat tomato. So when I heard my friends  say about the tomato rice by rice cooker, I feel excited to try it. I searched the different type of recipe about tomato rice. After I try different version, at last I wish to share with you all with this recipe.

Let us prepare the ingredients. Serves for 3 to 4 people. 2 cups of rice, 2 tablespoons of butter,1 cinnamon stick, half cup of diced tomatoes with juice, 2 cup of water and half teaspoon of salt.

After prepare the ingredients, let us start.

First, rinse rice well by gently swirling the rice in the cooker pot with 2 or 3 changes of cold water. Drain rice and set aside.

Then clean out the rice cooker pot and wipe dry. Add the butter to the rice cooker pot, cover, and set to cook. When the base of the cooker pot gets warm, add the cinnamon and fry for about 2 minutes, covering rice cooker occasionally in the process of frying.

Stir in diced tomatoes, water or vegetable stock, salt, and rice; mix well. Cover rice cooker and cook the rice until done, about 30 minutes. (Cooking time varies with the kind of rice cooker used. Most automatic rice cookers will switch to Warm when the rice is cooked.

After rice is cooked, do not open the cover immediately. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes to vent off the remaining steam. Fluff up the rice before serving.

It is so simple, healthy and easy to cook. Just try to cook during free. Share and enjoy this rice with the family and friends. Share happiness with other to get more happiness.

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